Are your flat fee services priced right? Now you can "Complete" a Flat Fee Service

We are introducing this new feature to "Complete" a Flat Fee Service to help you answer the big question of, "Is this Flat Fee Service" priced right?"

Once all work has been completed and entered into Curo365, you can now mark the Flat Fee Service as "Complete". When you do this, all those who worked the flat fee service will proportionately have their Billings marked up, or marked down, from their normal rate to whatever is needed to match the flat fee service amount. 

With this adjustment done automatically for you, it will be easy to see how efficient you were with that flat fee service, and over time you'll be able to identify trends and adjust amounts appropriately to reach desired margins or know to increase the marketing on those services where you are able to deliver best.

A thorough guide on how to use and more fully understand "Completing a Flat Fee Service" is here.