Fixed Rounding in All Places

There are several different ways in Curo365 that triggered a rounding calculation to be made. One scenario that was not calculating correctly was when a Billing was created from the Timer window. This has been fixed, and we've further made the backend more robust to always round consistently no matter how it is being triggered.

Resurrecting some error message windows

After transitioning to Microsoft's new Unified Experience, we've noticed a few of our error messages were not being displayed as they used to. We've fixed these where it is known and will continue to look for any others. We want to make sure Curo365 is never leaving you wondering what's going on after you tried something and it feels like nothing happened.

Shaved Off the Chat "Growing Shadow"

There was a bug with the Chat that was causing a "growing shadow" and even multiple windows at times displaying that really made things difficult. This issue has been resolved and cleaned up surrounding this.

It could eventually grow into something like this if you clicked around a lot:

Timers Enhancements

In some scenarios clearing a timer was either not an option or was being inconsistent. Those have been taken care of now so you can easily clear any timer now.

The second thing we did was automatically pre-fill the matter information when you create a billing from a timer, when the timer has been added to your Matter form

The value of these small improvements will surely add up over time, plus it just makes using Curo365 feel so much better.

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