Post in Bulk!

Now you can save precious time, and make things easier, posting your Bank Deposits, Disbursements, Matter Costs and Transfers in bulk!

Better Visibility and Retry Smarts When Generating Bills

Click "Generate Bill" and come back later to see how it all went. We've created a new page that brings a lot more visibility into the status of creating each Bill, and we even made the processing more bulletproof by automatically retrying if there was any hiccup like a temporary environment lag. No more crossing your fingers or wondering what happened during Bill Generation, it's all there to see now.

On the left navigation bar, you will now see a "Bulk Processes" entity that will list the processes you have initiated. The type "Generate Bills" is the first example of this bulk processing where you will get to see the details and status very easily. The page even automatically refreshes during processing to give you current status.

Send Bill to Multiple People: Part 2

Part 1 of "Send Bill to Multiple People" allowed you to specify additional Contacts to send a Bill to. Now in Part 2, those additional bill recipients can also be a Business. Furthermore, all additional recipients are now CC'd on the Bill email instead of receiving a separate email.

Adding recipients as a Contact or a Business is done the same way using the specific "Matter - Additional Bill Recipient" Connection Role from a Matter.

Have Unique Custom Language on Your Statements and Bills

Now you can add custom language to a Bill AND have different custom language added to a Statement. Before, the custom language would have to be the same across bills and statements, but now we separated them out to give you more flexibility and greater control.

You can specify the custom language for each by going to your Business Center > Advanced Settings and entering in the custom language that you want (HTML). It looks like this:

Customize the Retainer and Trust Account Display Names on Your Bills

We've learned not all firms use the same names when they refer to their Retainer and Trust balance amounts, so we have made those names as displayed on your Bills customizable.

You can now have these displayed with whatever you want to name them. This is done by going to your Business Center > Advanced Settings and specifying the Label Display for each. It looks like this: 

*Note - See the field in the screenshot above named "Enable Bill Line Break"? It also gives you a little more control with your Bills in deciding whether or not to have a line break after your custom language and before the break down of all your items on the bill.

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