Disbursements Goodness

Instead of posting disbursements individually, you can now select multiple disbursements and have them post together in a single batch.

Also, all available disbursement methods are now supported when posting.

Thank goodness.

Business Central Reporting Dimension Support

You are now able to specify a single, free-text dimension from your Business Center that will be pushed will all transactions and details to Business Central in order to better report how you need to slice your data in Business Central. 

We plan to add support in the future for additional dimensions that will allow you to flexibly report financials additionally. For example, you could have dimensions by geography, tax location/group, practice area and even by matter.

We're now utilizing a standard monthly schedule for releasing Curo365 updates

Moving forward, we will be moving to a predictable monthly release schedule to keep things simple.

We will be releasing Curo365 updates generally to all customer environments during the evening of the 2nd Wednesday of each month

We hope with this consistency of releasing updates, we can create better communications, reduce the complexity of releases, and ensure a more smooth experience for everyone.

*If you are part of our Curo365 Beta Program, we will also be releasing the Beta version in the evening of the first day each month. If you are interested in learning more about the Curo365 Beta Program just send us a note within the Curo365 help chat.

March Release Announcement

The March Release has been pushed to all environments. The far majority of the changes this month were around a big focus for us to support Accrual Accounting and the integration with Business Central for such. We still have a little ways to go before we bless Accrual Accounting functionality fully to be generally supported. Along with that focus, we've continued to provide other fixes and improvements with this release that are mentioned in their own posts.

Switching items between matters

We know at times there is a need to intentionally switch items between matters and/or to correct things by associating them to the intended matter. We have worked through a few of those scenarios, in particular with Billing, to make sure that switch happens correctly and completely with all that goes along with it.

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